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pint° v0.0.3 is out with a basic LSP implementation

·387 words·2 mins

pint° v0.0.3 is a small release of the pint° language.

The repository can be seen here, and the package here.

Changes on this release #

I skipped v0.0.2 announcement, as it was a simple bug fix. You can see the release in the GitHub repository.

For v0.0.3, the main difference is that now a basic LSP implementation is available through the executable pinto_server. It is still pretty barebones, but it allows you to use the new VSCode extension to have basic static analysis integrated in the editor.

VSCode extension example

Another small improvement #

Aside from this, now, when you use an import that is not available in the environment1 a resolving error will be emitted.

New homepage for pint° #

There’s now a new homepage for pint° with a summary of the language. As the language grows, we’ll probably need to do something different, but for now it serves well.

Also, the language has now an official logo. It’s a pinto horse, the bluish colors reminiscing that of Dart and Flutter.

pint° logo

What’s next? #

As I implemented a basic LSP server and client, I think I’m now going to focus on the next feature of the language, although I’m still not sure what will it be.

Possibly, I’m going to implement something like top-level functions, which will required me to implement many other things, like expressions, variables, and basic blocks.

pint° is intended to be an expression-only language. That means that there’s no statements. I don’t want to model pint° against IO Monads or another kind of effects system for now, but I want the language to be very explicit about side-effects and mutability.

I’m leaving a snippet of a tentative syntax of what a function implementation in Flutter may be. Note that this probably won’t be the final syntax, but it may give an idea of where the language wants to go.

Widget build(ButtonState, BuildContext context) =
  let color = Color(0xAA22FF).withOpacity(0.5) // withOpacity is evaluated at compile time
  let style = TextStyle(:color) // `:color` stands for `:color color`
    :onTap widget.onTap,
	:child Text(
	  :data @count, // The `@count` token inlines the first argument. It's equivalent to `state.count`

  1. pint° will look both in the Dart SDK installed in the machine and in the packages declared in pubspec_config.json↩︎

Mateus Felipe C. C. Pinto
Mateus Felipe C. C. Pinto
Programmer since 2006, I’ve been exploring many kinds of technologies and languages. Currently, I work mainly with Flutter, in which I’ve specialized, but I can adapt to anything without much hassle. I’m also interested in compilers, PLT, game development and theology.

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